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Cupcake Salad

Cupcake salad ties the little guy's heart.

I want my baby to get all the nutrients. Today, mothers and children from Mama Lekha have a delicious and useful menu, such as "Cupcake Salad Tie Your Little One". It's delicious and easy to eat, perfect for your baby.

The process of making cupcake salads for the little ones

Get the ingredients for this menu ready.

Beat the buttercake batter and the chicken egg.

Mix carrots, peas, corn and dressing.

Put half a cup of flour in it, followed by the dressing mix.

Bake until cooked, and you will get the aroma of the cupcakes.

Now you have a cupcake salad that's on the heart of the little one, which smells good. Delicious and useful as well.


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