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Nutrients to look for In the first carton of milk.

Your first carton of milk is very important because milk is the most consumed at this age. Most mothers choose milk that contains nutrients that they want their child to receive in addition to 5 groups of nutrients. Ekka Farmer, a child nutrition specialist for more than 20 years.

Do you know that children aged 1-3 years old, the brain is building neurotransmitters twice as fast as adults, choosing their first carton of milk? Therefore, it must focus mainly on brain nutrients such as DHA, Omega-3 fatty acids 6 9 and vitamin B12, because they are the main nutrients that contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. More efficient.

The top brain nutrient is DHA, which most mothers look for because their bodies can't build themselves. DHA is an unsaturated fatty acid, considered a hero to nourish your fine neurons and brain cells, and it also helps to develop a thought system, giving you resourcefulness, good memory and help with vision.

Vitamin B12 nourishes cells in the nervous system and brain, encouraging your child to be creative. A memorable child. Quick-eyed answer.

Double-multiplication benefits require omega-3s to help your child's neurons and brain function normally and develop the retina. It's also a precursor to DHA production. The power of this nutrient will encourage your child to have an IQD. It helps to improve learning, thoughts and memory that are important to the body can't create itself.

Omega-6 serves to strengthen your baby's immunity without illness. It helps omega-3s to work better and maintain balance. How hard you play naughty, I'm worried because you won't get sick easily. Omega 6 only wants to eat.

Omega-9 stimulates the circulatory system and helps omega-3s and 6s to work better. Good blood flow. It helps the brain to keep a good memory. Learn fast A carton of milk should contain both omega-3, 6 and 9.

The first 3 years of life The child's brain learns all the time. Mothers need to be prepared to empower their child's brain to the best of their ability, including stimulating development by playing. Let's talk. Tell a story, it is important to promote nutrition to eat in 5 groups and drink extra milk that contains all the brain nutrients, and this will help the baby to be quick and intelligent. Read More.


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